
源自歐洲的 iSMIT2023 (The 34th annual international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology conference)國際研討會,徵稿至2023年4月28日止,歡迎踴躍投稿。

國際醫學創新科技學會(iSMIT)成立於1989年,是一個全球性學術組織,會員來自35 個國家醫學工程領域的醫師、工程師和產業界人士等,透過合作研究與知識交流,促進醫學創新科技的發展與應用,以改善人類健康與生活品質。官方期刊 Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies 2023年Impact IF 為 2.179。

有鑑於台灣醫學創新科技發展蓬勃,2023年由秀傳微創手術教學研究院黃士維院長擔任理事長,首次在台灣舉辦國際年會iSMIT 2023 (The 34th annual international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology conference),期能藉此加深在地連結,提高台灣醫學創新科技研究成果在國際學術界的能見度。舉凡針對各種醫學科技創新之研究論文,均歡迎投稿。

1. Surgical Simulation and Training
2. Catheter Based Interventions
3. Surgical Navigation and Visualization
4. Robotic Surgery and Automation
5. Hybrid and Future Smart Operating Rooms
6. Minimally and Non-Invasive Therapy
7. Biomedical Sensors
8. 3D Printing and Artificial Organs
9. Surgical Energies (Lasers, Radiofrequency, Cryo Etc)
10. Nanomedicine
11. Remote Diagnostics and Patient Follow-Up
12. Theranostics
13. Emerging Technologies and Devices
14. Intellectual Property, Regulatory Compliance and Commercialization
15. Affordable Medical Technology for Use In Low-Income Countries
16. Health Economics and Value Based Healthcare
17. Innovation In Healthcare: From An Idea To A Product
18. Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Database Management 

徵稿網址: https://www.smit2023.com/abstract/




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