  《大師觀點》AstraZeneca全球數位部門負責人Sajan Khosla談機器學習及AI在全球醫療保健中的應用

Adoption of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence within health across the globe to support a learning health system


Sajan Khosla

Head of Real World Science & Digital, AstraZeneca 

Cambridge, United Kingdom 


As health systems across the globe strive to better their provision of health, they are ultimately looking to utilise advanced technologies and data to provide insight into areas that can be improved. The use of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can optimise the way healthcare settings utilise data to augment decision making processes with the most complete, up to data information, enabling a truly data driven system. In my talk, I will share observations from across the globe, with learnings of how different systems have adopted and learned from the application of AI in healthcare. Within the talk I will also share mechanisms that health systems have developed for sharing and anonymising data have become prevalent in supporting innovative use of data. I will share observations on how these innovations allow health systems adopt analytics to harness data and ultimately become a truly learning health system.




台灣醫療科技展今年邀請到Mr. Sajan Khosla蒞臨,將於2019亞洲醫療創新論壇(Med x Tech Summit Asia)暢談全球智慧醫療戰略布局與商機




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